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ubiMaster - Personal tutor on-demand

Ubi Master learning

ubiMaster offers unlimited, on-demand digital access to a personal tutor for a flatrate.

How would you describe your business idea to a potential investor?

ubiMaster’s mission is to empower every student to improve grades and increase understanding instantly they need it. Our app connects students with expert tutors on-demand in less than 2 minutes. Our service is offered for a flatrate, students learn at their own pace and costs are plannable for parents. ubiMaster for companies and/or schools brings the service as a benefit to students regardless of income and social background.

What problem do you want to solve, what is your goal?

Today everything (cars, food, music,…) is available on-demand, except for personal tutoring. Instead online tutoring is still difficult and cumbersome. Parents need to conduct a time-intensive search and scheduling and are faced with unsure quality plus high costs. Students need help with their problems from real tutors instantly and not just pre-produced content.

ubiMaster combines digital access to a tutor in less than 2 minutes with a personal learning experience. ubiMaster packages tutoring in monthly subscription flatrates with unlimited access. Students reach out to a tutor whenever needed and learn at their own pace. Tutoring is for parents calculable (flatrate) and simplifies it (no tx-costs such as search, booking, organizing).

We want to establish ubiMaster as the leading tutoring platform for schoolchildren, trainees and university students. Digital access to a personal tutor from anywhere and on-demand in less than a couple of minutes whenever in need.

How did you come up with your idea/concept?

Jana – the founder of ubiMaster – has 3 school children herself and is an expert of the pain if school does not run as expected. As a fulltime working mom she was looking for a tutoring solution which is always and on-demand available, but not just pre-produced content. She could not find any adequate solution in the complex market – so she took hands on it and built it herself.

Jana krotsch ubimaster
Jana Krotsch, founder of ubiMaster.

What is your business model?

ubiMaster is sold through many sales channels. B2C, we offer unlimited tutoring with experts to parents (students) for a monthly flatrate in a subscription model. B2B, ubiMaster for companys is an extradordinary employee benefit. We bring employees focus back to work, and help companies to support their employees regardless of their socio economic background as ubiMaster tutoring is available for all employees. Prices are calculated for entire staff on a per-capita basis. Our business model is based on data-analytics and a risk-based pricing approach.

Why did you decide to apply to XPRENEURS?

XPRENEURS is a perfect mix of in depth start-up knowledge, investor contacts and practical help on our challenges. Experienced mentors helped us with critical feedback to improve our product offer and sales process.

Get more information about ubiMaster on their website or connect with the team on LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook.

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Written by

Charlotte Karsch

Charlotte Karsch

Marketing Manager